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Birds Week at Nature School
Ahh birds! Children and adults alike develop an affinity to these creatures as so many have the desire to fly as free as they do. Birds...
Homeschool Hack of the Day: Nature
Join Ms. Iman as we discuss the importance of spending time outside in regards to being ready to learn (and teach).
Mother's Day the Nature School Way
Hey Kind Families, I hope you are all doing well! This year may look a bit different than usual for Mother's Day. Maybe you have been...
Nature Tic-Tac-Toe
Hey Kind Families, Today has been one of those days where homeschooling felt like it took forever. The kids weren't super focused but I...
Homeschool Hack of the Day: Routines
Join Ms. Iman to learn about how she sets up routine in her household.
Our Top Ways to Celebrate May Day with your children
Hey Kind Friends! Have you ever heard of this almost forgotten holiday? May Day falls on May 1st of each year and it was once a very...
Our Free Kind Academy Virtual School due to Covid-19
Hey Kind families, I hope you are all doing well out there and keeping safe. Over the past few weeks we have been creating resources and...
Homeschool Hack of the Day: Snack Boxes
Check out this video where Ms. Iman talks about the importance of meal prepping for the kids in an effort to same valuable time in the day.
Homeschool Hack of the Day: Flexibility
Check out our video about being flexible in your homeschool. We discuss the need to give yourself grace during these times especially,...
Homeschool Hack of the Day: Planning
Check out our video about planning. We discuss the functionality of using a Happy Planner for our homeschool family. Setting intentions...
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