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Kind @ Home Week of 10/5/20
This week the kids had a blast with so many cool color activities! For the preschoolers, we did nature color hunts, made color wheels in...
Kind @ Home October Week of 9/28 Minibeasts & More!
This week has been amazing with our Kind @ Home students! We had so many cool things happening and so many families had a blast learning...
Freebie Friday! Minibeast Edition
Each week we will add a free product to our store to help make your homeschool life easier! This week we will start with a beautiful,...
Welcome Ms. Andrea to our Kind Team
It is time to spotlight another one of our awesome Mods! Welcome Ms. Andrea Janna to our Kind Team. Ms. Andrea joins us with a wealth of...
A huge welcome to the best book lady around: Ms. Nicole to our Kind Team
This week we will be doing Moderator Spotlights to show you some members of our awesome and growing team! The first one I want to welcome...
Graduation Week at Kind Academy
Hey Kind Families! This is it. We made it, guys! Each year in our little nature school we found a way to celebrate how much our children...
Dinos Week at Nature School
Dinosaurs are always are always a little interesting to do at a nature school since they don't really fall into the typical nature based cur
Birds Week at Nature School
Ahh birds! Children and adults alike develop an affinity to these creatures as so many have the desire to fly as free as they do. Birds...
Homeschool Hack of the Day: Nature
Join Ms. Iman as we discuss the importance of spending time outside in regards to being ready to learn (and teach).
Mother's Day the Nature School Way
Hey Kind Families, I hope you are all doing well! This year may look a bit different than usual for Mother's Day. Maybe you have been...
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